Swedish matches "Tre sjärnor". Photo by Bengt Oberger. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

Snus and Match Museum

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Nestled in the heart of Stockholm, Sweden, lies the Swedish Tobacco & Match Museum (Svenska Tobaks- och Tändsticksmuseet), a captivating destination that delves into the rich history of tobacco and match production in the country.

Immerse yourself in a world of heritage as you peruse an extensive collection of relics, including vintage tobacco tins, cigarette packages, lighters, pipes, and an array of other fascinating items, all shedding light on the production, packaging, and advertising of tobacco and matches.

Situated within the Skansen open-air museum in Stockholm, the Swedish Tobacco & Match Museum awaits discovery on the enchanting island of Djurgården, just moments away from the bustling city center. To uncover the treasures of the museum, simply follow the signs or inquire at the information desk during your visit to Skansen.

Museum info

  • Snus and Match Museum
  • Snus- och tändsticksmuseum
  • Museum address

  • Gubbhyllan, Skansen
  • DjurgÃ¥rdsslätten 49-51, 115 21 Stockholm
  • Getting there

  • 47 (stop Skansen)
  • It's difficult to find parking at Skansen. It's better to take public transportation or walk across DjurgÃ¥rdsbron.
  • Contact

  • +46 72 144 01 44
  • info@snusochtandsticksmuseum.se

Explore the Snus and Match Museum exhibits

The museum goes beyond the ordinary, featuring thought-provoking exhibits on snuff, chewing tobacco, cigars, and even the profound health implications of tobacco use. Additionally, step into a time capsule with our dedicated section chronicling the birth and evolution of Swedish match production, a vital industry that emerged in the early 19th century.

The Swedish Tobacco & Match Museum stands as a cherished tourist hotspot, offering a unique voyage into the cultural and historical importance of tobacco and match production in Sweden. Join us on this incredible journey!